Registration is now LIVE!•

After more than a little teamwork figuring out buttons, my amazing team has finished and published the 2025 Coppers Classic event site! Kudos to Sharon, Kim and Vanessa for hours of work to make this real!

Early Bird Registration has some benefits!
• Register by January 15 and save $50 on registration.
•  And, were that not enough, you will be in the first round considerations  for ringing assignments–projected to show up in your inbox before the end of January!

What’s new?
• Check out the new requirement for Guild membership. We hope this will make registering a bit easier on your pocketbook while continuing to support the essential work of HMA.
• A fun and eclectic repertoire representing music from Japan, Hong Kong, England and Canada as well as, the United States. AND, a wonderful and challenging piece for BELLTREE and full choir!
• BRAND NEW: Four pairs of ringers will have the opportunity to switch positions on some of the pieces! Want a new experience. Check it out on the registration page.

I can’t wait to make music with you. Bring a friend. It’s always a special treat to welcome new folks to the Coppers Classic family.

See you in March. Ellie


We are this close!!!!

Have I ever told you how grateful I am to my Team who keep the wheels turning for Coppers Classic?! They are terrific!! We’ve spent a couple days working to tame the “buttons” so you can have an easy time reading more and registering!

We are persistent! And determined! We had hoped to open today but the stars have yet to align. So,
• If you are an optimist (that would be me), check back tomorrow after dinner.
• If you are mildly skeptical, check back after lunch on Thursday.
• If you . . . Well, we, even at our least optimistic believe that we will be
fully live by Friday!

Meanwhile, check out the Repertoire page! It’s a diverse and wonderful set with fun and challenges for one nd all1!

See you this week!!

Coppers Classic 2025

March 28-30, 2025

Can you believe Coppers Classic will celebrate its tenth year in 2025? What a great accomplishment!

big bells
Buckets to “thimbles

We are pleased to  return to the Monarch Hotel and Conference Center in Clackamas, Oregon (Portland Metro).

Yes, we have more than one scholarship! Yes, guild members who live outside Area 10 are welcome to apply.

Registration will open October 15. See you right here!!

See you in March!

Julie Turner Writes it All!

Most handbell musicians have met Julie Turner through her arrangements and original compositions. I first encountered her original work with Everlasting to Everlasting. It is still one of my favorite compositions. (Worth a listen if you are unfamiliar with it!)

At Coppers Classic 2023 we rang two of her works, Toccata Allegro, an original work and Julie’s excellent transcription of Toto’s Africa. Both pieces offered lots of “meat” to learn many ways to express the music. How do you shape a phrase in a huge choir? How can you ring a “mart” that fits the intent of the music! We got to practice “there’re lots of ways to ring a bell in order to make great music!” Always fun!

This year we are ringing Julie’s transcription of Here Comes the Sun, one of the of the Beatles best known works. It was written in 1969 by George Harrison. It sounds easy when you listen to the Beatles sing it but rumor has it that the Beatles had to practice quite a bit to get it right!  Syncopation! Meter changes! Accidentals! . . . I’m sure that knowing that the Beatles had to work to make this song come together will give comfort to all of us as we work to perfect our performance of the piece.

Say “hello” to Jason Krug!

I’m betting that many of you have played one or more of Jason Krug’s compositions. He is known for creating interesting and engaging pieces for all levels of handbell skill.

During the pandemic, Jason kept handbell musicians engaged with weekly online composition classes. Yes, right before your eyes and ears he would create at least the framework of a brand new piece while explaining the what’s and why’s of his choices.

In addition to his handbell compositions, Jason has published works for piano, organ, choir, and string orchestra. He has penned several pieces of fiction for young adults–check out the Sadinian Chronicles–and a non fiction work, The General Theory of Creativity (an enticing read).

Were that not enough, Jason is an expert at Rubik’s Cube! Ah, the things we learn about one another.

 (an enticing read!)

Meet Damien Lim!

If you ever have the opportunity to spend time with Damien Lim, I guarantee two things. 1) You will go home with a smile still on your face and in your heart and, 2) you will be inspired by his passion for handbells and arrangements of music that “sings” in our art form. His mission? “To Educate, To Share, To Inspire, To Create, To Include”

Damien is conductor, arranger and teacher. Based in Singapore where Damien founded MOB, aka Ministry of Bells, he is known as a first rate percussionist and as a handbell musician.  He has inspired many young musicians at home, in Thailand, in his travels to Japan, Korea and Australia and around the glove.

Come ring his setting of Despacito at Coppers Classic this April. It will be a great experience.

2024 Coppers Classic Registration is Now Open!

Whew! What a month it has been. But we’re finally open for business. Coppers Classic 2024 registration is now open! First things first though…get your scholarship application in if you haven’t already. If it’s your first time attending, head on over to the scholarship page to see if you’re eligible. We’d love to see you in Portland. And the music is going to be A-MAZ-ING! Check out the repertoire page. What can we say…Coppers Classic 2024, here we come!

2024 Registration Update!

Thanks to all of you who are anxiously awaiting the opening of the 2024 Coppers Classic registration. We apologize for the delay. What can we say – technology glitches happen!

But there is good news: 1) our event is two weeks later this year, so you will still have plenty of time to learn your music (do not worry…do not be afraid, do not be discouraged…all will be well), and 2) scholarship applications are available!

If you are a student or adult considering attending Coppers Classic for the first time, consider applying for a scholarship. We have several available to help cover your costs to attend this event. Now, like most things in life, these scholarships have rules. You must be a resident of Area 10 to qualify, and the scholarship committee will review the application and make the final decision. But hey, nothing ventured, nothing gained, right? Head over to the scholarship page to find out more information. And be sure to get your scholarship application in before the January 8 deadline.

We will post here and on social media once the other technical issues have been solved and registration has opened. Thank you for your patience and understanding.

Registration 2023 Now OPEN!

Registration is NOW OPEN for Coppers Classic 2023!

I am over the moon excited at spending a weekend with you making wonderful music and creating lasting friendships. Coppers Classic will happen March 24-26, 2023. Coppers has new repertoire—check it out—and, we are at a new site with easy access (free airport shuttle!), free parking and lots of shops (no sales tax!) and nearby restaurants for dinners together.

SIGN UP TODAY. I will personally donate $10 to the Coppers Classic scholarship fund for the first 10 musicians to register.

Join or renew your membership ( Use the code ACMD2022 at checkout to save $20. Offer is good through December 31, 2022.

Questions? Contact me directly, For registration questions contact Vanessa Blake, event coordinator or PL Grove, registrar at