Only a few Ringing Spots Remain for 2025!

Wow! Can you believe that yesterday, we crossed the two months to Coppers Classic Concert mark?!! Nearly the entire ringing floor is full. We have a large number of alums and lots of new ringers attending this year. I can hardly wait to be working with long time friends and getting to know new folks.

As of today, there are only five open ringing positions. Once these are filled, we will start a waiting list. Thinking about attending? Now is a good time to leap to your feet, type in this url ( to register and  join this excellent ensemble. I promise you will work up a good musical sweat on music that will challenge you and dance your way through other selections. And the low basses under Heavy Metal Manager, Carol Flint always succeed in surprising me with mischief at some point in the concert. I can’t remember if it was Ben or Jerry (think “ice cream”) who said it, “if it ain’t fun, why do it”–we’ll have fun. Honest!

RINGING ASSIGNMENTS  should go out within three (3) days. Another good reason to register now!

Resister today! Ring with us in March!!

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