Welcome to our new website, coppersclassic.com, fresh off the e-press!
We are ALMOST ready to launch the registration online. You can see the Event Details now and make your travel plans. Please send a comment in the Contact menu and we will notify you once the online registration is ready to rock and roll.
Very soon you will be able to:
- Find current information about the event
- Fill out your registration forms
- Apply for the Area 10 scholarship
- Pay your registration
- Purchase a polo shirt with our logo
- Sign up for our Thursday night special class, Tackling Treble Tough Stuff (and you know there’s plenty of that!!!)
Our plan is to continue to update the site (repertoire coming before the end of June) and post some live video during the event so your friends and relatives can see you at work.
Check it out. We think you’ll love the convenience!!