I’ll bet none of us expected to live in the middle of a worldwide pandemic and certainly thought we’d be on the sunny side by now. Wow! What a crazy year.
As I write this, I have made the difficult decision to cancel Coppers Classic 2021. Today, the Portland Metro area is struggling with increased cases of COVID and the promised supply of vaccine apparently does not exist. I want to be able to make music with each of you without worrying about everyone’s safety if this event were held today. So, with an optimistic heart, I let this one go and have my eyes set on 2022.
It has been a very difficult year for musicians everywhere. My small ensembles were able to meet for only a few months in groups of under 10, physically distanced and wearing masks, outside or in well ventilated spaces. It has been hard.
The small silver lining is that I and many of my musicians have necessarily started to try handbell skills we either didn’t have time to add or were nervous about trying. There’s been more belltree playing,
Coppers Classic 2017
solo and ensemble ringing and a lot of virtual choir music making. I have heard from many of you that you, too, are honing those skills. What a gift that so many of us feel compelled to try to keep making music! In the end, these new and newly enhanced skills will be a huge benefit when we can begin to ring in larger ensembles in the coming months.
As soon as I have clear, trusted information that large gatherings will be possible in 2022, I will finalize a date—likely in late March. You will be the first to know all the details. It will be the happiest and most wonderful Coppers and Kim says we should have special t-shirt!
Please do keep in touch. I love hearing from you. Be well. Stay safe. All the best, Ellie