A Note from the Director

I’ll bet none of us expected to live in the middle of a worldwide pandemic and certainly thought we’d be on the sunny side by now. Wow! What a crazy year.
As I write this, I have made the difficult decision to cancel Coppers Classic 2021. Today, the Portland Metro area is struggling with increased cases of COVID and the promised supply of vaccine apparently does not exist. I want to be able to make music with each of you without worrying about everyone’s safety if this event were held today. So, with an optimistic heart, I let this one go and have my eyes set on 2022.
It has been a very difficult year for musicians everywhere. My small ensembles were able to meet for only a few months in groups of under 10, physically distanced and wearing masks, outside or in well ventilated spaces. It has been hard.
The small silver lining is that I and many of my musicians have necessarily started to try handbell skills we either didn’t have time to add or were nervous about trying. There’s been more belltree playing,

Coppers Classic 2017

solo and ensemble ringing and a lot of virtual choir music making. I have heard from many of you that you, too, are honing those skills. What a gift that so many of us feel compelled to try to keep making music! In the end, these new and newly enhanced skills will be a huge benefit when we can begin to ring in larger ensembles in the coming months.

As soon as I have clear, trusted information that large gatherings will be possible in 2022, I will finalize a date—likely in late March. You will be the first to know all the details. It will be the happiest and most wonderful Coppers and Kim says we should have special t-shirt!
Please do keep in touch. I love hearing from you. Be well. Stay safe. All the best, Ellie

Coppers Classic 2021 – Canceled

Unfortunately, it is necessary to cancel Coppers Classic again this year.  We are working on refunding all moneys paid and expect that to happen within the week.  We remain optimistic that we will once again be able to hold this event in 2022.  Please watch for announcements.

Thank you all so much and stay safe!

Coppers Classic 2021 • DATE Correction

We are happy to announce that we have a date for Coppers Classic 2021. The event will take place March 18-21, 2021 at the Monarch Hotel and Conference Center in Clackamas, Oregon. Please watch the website for updates.

The 2020 repertoire will move forward to 2021. We will continue to offer a mini-workshop on Thursday evening (3/18) and look forward to seeing you next Spring.

Meanwhile, please stay safe, take good care of yourself and those in your circle.

Coppers Classic 2020 Cancelled

After watching the unfolding of the Corona Virus on the West Coast, and in consultation with Area 10 leadership, I have made the decision to cancel this year’s Copper’s Classic event. We are optimistic that the global health crisis will be well under control in coming months and that we will be able to go back to hosting  this fabulous handbell event in Area 10 in 2021.

Dates for Coppers Classic 2021 are being researched at the Monarch Hotel and Conference Center, Clackamas, Oregon. We expect a firm date very soon and will announce it on the website and directly to Coppers Classic alums. For those who are registered for Coppers Classic 2020, please watch your inbox for details on refunds and re-scheduling next year.

For details, refer to the website, coppersclassic.com or send an email to the event coordinator Kim Bible.

Thank you for your understanding. We look forward to a fabulous event in 2021.

Ellie Hodder, Founding Clinician, Coppers Classic

Glen Hascall, Chair, Area 10

Mini Workshop with PL Grove

To Weave or Not to Weave . . . When Left is Right!

If you’ve ever played battery or bass bells, you know that four-in-hand is not always the answer for a tough passage in the music. After all, those bells are big! Plus, you never know when your neighbor is going to need that Eb right after you’ve played the D# (enharmonically speaking, of course). This class will focus on solutions for ringing sections of music that require quick changes from one bell to the next. To weave or not to weave: yes, that’s the question. But there’s more than one answer. Sometimes being willing and able to change just one thing can make all the difference in your ability to move quickly and smoothly from one bell to the next. It’s not always as easy as 1-2-3; sometimes 213 is SO much better. Come and learn how putting the bells out of “order” can be a better solution than twisting yourself into a pretzel. Sometimes left can be right (and right should be left)!

For over 45 years, Pamela “P.L.” Grove has been at the forefront of handbell artistry in America. As a founding ringer with the critically acclaimed Sonos Handbell Ensemble, her more notable performances included those with the San Francisco Girls Chorus, the San Francisco Symphony Chorus, the Kronos Quartet, Frederica von Stade and twice on

Pamela “PL” Grove

Garrison Keillor’s A Prairie Home Companion. She is currently artistic director for Velocity Handbell Ensemble, and has directed several church handbell choirs over the years. She continues to pioneer in the field of handbells as one of only a few people ever to receive a degree in handbell performance, and is currently President of Handbell Musicians of America. Retired from her job as a government public information officer, P.L. now works as a church vocal choir director and spends as much time as possible making music.

Register on the “Event Details” page.

Early Bird Rate Extended to March 1

We have a few more openings in Coppers Classic 2020. The 2020 event is exciting in new ways. Yes, we are excited about the location and it’s amenities—complementary airport shuttle, free on-site parking, 6 meals included for everyone, walk to shops and restaurants and, more!

But, more than the great location, we are excited that 2020 will bring the deadline extendedWorld Premiere of a piece by Puerto Rican composer/arranger Carmen M. Jiménez-Medina, two pieces for SATB choir and handbells and a composition for alto solo and handbells plus, a piece with handbells. There are classics of the handbell literature and new works, transcriptions and original compositions. And, that’s not all!! WOW!

Questions? Click directorcoppersclassic@gmail.com

Scholarships Awarded

Coppers Classic is pleased to announce that scholarships have been awarded. This year we are able to give two (2) full scholarships and four (4) partial scholarships to musicians from Area 10.

Our scholarship fund comes entirely from donations. We are honored that


we have had so many generous gifts allowing us to include more and more musicians. Let the ringing begin!

An all new Coppers Classic 2020!

We are celebrating the new decade with some major changes to our favorite handbell event!  Make your plans now to join us!  You will not be disappointed!

A New Date:  March 27-29, 2020

A New Location:  Monarch Hotel & Conference Center

        • Complimentary Airport Transportation
        • Free Parking
        • Breakfast and lunch or dinner each day included with registration(We are still working out details)
        • On site restaurant open for breakfast, lunch and dinner
        • Walking distance to restaurants and shopping
        • Easy access to MAX light rail green line.


5th Anniversary Concert!

Join us Sunday, October 13th at 4 pm as we celebrate 5 years of music making.

Coppers Classic is the nations’s premier massed ringing event for advanced coppers handbell musicians held annually in Portland, Oregon with participants from all over the United States and Canada.

Wonderful handbell repertoire by the best of the best composers and arrangers–Michael Glasgow, Cynthia Dobrinski, Linda Boatright, Hart Morris, Sondra Tucker,  Nick Hanson, Jason W. Krug, Kazuko Okamoto, Cathy Moklebust, Alex Guebert, Sandra Eithun and Kath Wissinger. Original works and

big bells
Buckets to “thimbles”

transcriptions. The best of handbells!

University Place Hotel & Conference Center
(310 SW Lincoln, On the Orange Line)

Suggested Donation: $10 (all welcome)

Info: directorcoppersclassic@gmail.com